Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Really quick

Time for an update.

Well, it’s vacation. Wow, that didn’t sound enthusiastic at all. For some reason I’m thinking ahead and I feel like a month isn’t enough time…which is amusing because people in the states only have a week.

I went to see Wicked yesterday. I’ll spare you a “wicked” pun and say it was amazing. We were really close up, which was a bad idea in hindsight because when you’re that close you have to crane your neck to look at stuff happening on top of the stage, or in the air…or something. What I mean is, sometimes there were people climbing up the sides as monkeys and it hurt to look up at them after a while.

But yeah, it was amazing. And after coming home and doing a ton of research on the cast and spending a ridiculous amount of time on youtube attempting to find videos of the people we saw last night, I’ve come to the completely uninformed conclusion that the London show is WAY BETTER than the American one. I actually have no idea whether that’s true or not, but I’ve been comparing versions of “Defying Gravity” all day (even different versions by the same person) and I like the British cast better. The woman playing Elphaba is the only one who actually sounds like the witch…and that’s enough focus on that.

I also went to Covent Garden yesterday. To be honest, I don’t know what to say about it. It was a bunch of stores on a bunch of streets. I guess it’s cool if you want to go shopping, but I expected it to be a bit different.

And…that’s all I have to say. Since it’s vacation I’ll try and update once a week like I did before. Bye 

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