Hey all. This post is going to be a random collection of thoughts that I’ve had since I’ve arrived.
Everything’s going pretty well so far. I’ve settled in, and I love my room. The campus is gorgeous. It’s just the right size, in my opinion. Not too small, not too big. I think I mentioned that in my last post but I keep repeating it because I love it.
My classes have started, unfortunately. Just kidding, just kidding. I’m actually excited about my classes this year. I’m in this inexplicable mood to learn. Weird huh? I just read Twelfth Night, a Shakespeare play, for one of my classes, and thought it was really good. I’m such a geek.
Let’s see, what to say…oh, there’s too many coins. It’s like they have a coin for everything. I’m more used to it now than I was at first. Actually, I kind of prefer the pound coins to the pound notes. It’s just easier I guess. So…complaining about the coins doesn’t make much sense if I prefer it, huh? I think it’s kind of like when you first try something really different you don’t like it because you prefer it your own way, but you sort of reluctantly start liking it after a while. If that makes sense.
Hm…it only rained twice and I’ve been here for weeks. So much for the “it always rains in England” idea. It’s sunny outside right now. Really beautiful.
By the way, I went to London two days ago. I wanted to wait until I went to London to post again so I would actually have something to talk about. It was a fun day. First we (it was a trip for international students) had a tour around London, and then we had about five hours to explore. We were on Fleet Street at one point. I got all excited because I love Sweeney Todd. Seeing the Millennium Bridge was exciting too because it was in the 6th Harry Potter movie and I love Harry Potter. Again I stress, GEEK.
On the tour we drove by Harrods, and I decided immediately that that was where I was going. I met another international student who wanted to go, a very nice woman, so we caught the tube at the end of the tour together and made it back to Harrods.
Harrods, by the way, is this famous store in London that sells basically everything. Grocery items, candy, pianos, chandeliers, clothes, flowers…it’s a random selection of goods, most of them expensive. But they had a Krispy Kreme in there, which made my day. Mmm donuts.
After that, we went to a couple of nearby stores like H&M and some stores with names I can’t remember. I got a few things. Shopping is usually torture for me, but H&M tends to have stuff in my size, so I’m glad I’ve located a place that suits my needs. All in all, a good day.
The London tube system is fairly easy to understand by the way. The people working there were actually helpful, which is always nice.
As for school itself, I’ve joined a few clubs. It’s nice to get out and meet new people, especially people with similar interests.
So…everything’s looking good so far. I’ll update again soon, I promise J
Oh, and Stonehenge this weekend! Awesomeness.
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