Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pssh. I thought you said it was a challenge.

50,020 words. I won. I’m awesome.

I’m talking about NaNoWriMo of course. I managed 50,020 words in 29 days. I could’ve added a thousand or two more if I had worked on the last day, but I decided to take a break. So I’m proud of myself. The novel isn’t actually finished, but I’m planning on finishing it this month and editing it in January. This is kind of unfortunate because it means I’m putting another project on hold, but I guess that’s what happens when you write five million things at once.

Well that was probably boring for anyone who isn’t me. Let’s move on to some BritBits because nothing else exciting has happened this week:

Elevators are called lifts. That’s a simple one.

The double decker buses are cool. I really want to go up on the second deck but so far I haven’t. I’m afraid of heights so I don’t know why I want to go up there, but I think it’d be fun.

Free range eggs are expensive. This isn’t really a BritBit because I think it applies everywhere, but it’s annoying. They were out of regular eggs and I didn’t feel like going back to the store later so I just bought them. Life shattering stuff, I know.

Have I mentioned the faucets? I hate the faucets. In the US there’s one faucet in the sink that runs both hot and cold water. Here there’s one faucet each for hot and cold water, which is terrible because when you wash your hands you either burn them or freeze them. I’ve yet to discover a way around this. It’s amazing what a little innovation can do. One single faucet eliminates that problem easily.

Cell phones are called mobiles. Another simple one.

It actually does rain a lot here. The past couple of weeks have been awful, raining nearly every day. Even if it starts out sunny, by the end of the day it’s raining again. Today was the nicest day in weeks. So the rainy England stereotype might be true. I wonder why it rains so much. Hm…

Um…that’s all I can think of right now. Sorry, I’m a bit preoccupied. I have two essays due next week, and I know that’s a horrible excuse and I hate when people use that excuse…but I have to. Duty calls.

I can’t believe it’s December already. It’s good because it means vacation is coming up, but the one bad thing is that essays are due. Oh well. One more week and I’m done until January. Awesomeness.


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